When you were born, you did not have anything at all and yet it seemed like the entire world was yours alone. With so much care, attention, love and smiles all around, it seemed like you owned everything and everyone in this world. Was all this to remind you that you will still be loved even when you have nothing at all? Or was it to make up for the fact that you do not have anything and hence this is all that you can get? Empty hands, empty stomach, empty bank balance and yet life is safe, secure, fun and happy. That is probably the one and only time when having nothing can still bring you tons of immeasurable happiness in life.
Can you imagine or even dare to go back to the circumstances of your birth in the middle age? Things are going to be so different this time around, you’ll instantly begin to wish, hope and pray that not even your enemies must have to go through the experience of losing it all, of losing all their comforts they have gotten used to. That is life, that is the world, the version created not by God but by a lot of people who wanted to change the ways of living. Ideally, if you react to the same experiences differently at different times, then you can be sure that your natural programming has gone for a toss and you have become a slave of not any one individual but of various minds whose sole objective was to reject all things past and bring change in the world.
If someone asks you right now what do you want?, you will most likely be able to think of at least a dozen things that can compliment all the things you already have and own, because it is not you who want all those things, it is only for the things you already have that you wish to get or buy another set of things which can go together. You already have so many things that you do not need any other thing right now, you only need more things for your already existing things and not really for you. This thinking of wanting this and that has come only from all those who wanted to break the norm and wanted to bring about a change, and in turn have contributed to adding ego, greed, jealousy and what not, all of those things which does no-one any good and was better to be kept far away from the reaches of anyone and everyone.
There comes a phase in everyone’s life where they feel like they have lost it all. For the teenagers, losing one thing and they will most likely begin to feel this way while for the little more matured youth or middle aged ones, it’ll take a lot more things to lose before they can really feel or say they have lost it all. So then, what really happens after losing it all? You will now be able to open your vision first and then your eyes. You will now realise what you really want. After losing it all, it is respect and togetherness you’ll most likely want. You will begin to realise the value of being together with that one or more person who can care for you, give you the attention, love and make you smile just like how they did back in time when you didn’t have anything, when you were born. You will long for respect, for being seen and heard by one and all, just like how you were surrounded by numerous people back in time when you didn’t have anything, when you were born. Of course in the world that we are in, Roti, Kapda aur Makaan will always be available in varying quality and quantity. The real innate nature of every single being, when you lose it all, you will want only respect and togetherness.
Now for those of you who believe the above to be true, the focus must always be on how you can have abundance of respect and togetherness during your entire life. When all your wants are coming not from your real, uninfluenced mind, then it is corrupted with tons of ego, greed and jealousy. With such a corruption, respect and togetherness are happy to be far away from you. Needless to say that it’ll take a lot of humbleness, politeness, genuine happiness, thankfulness and smiles to always attract respect and togetherness. So, do not wait until you end up in the situation of having to lose it all before you can really understand this same thing, start developing these qualities from right now and then even after you lose it all, you will still have it all and begin again.